Familiarity in UX

Mecha Samuel
2 min readMar 9, 2022


Ever wondered why most of the apps you use have the same interfaces or look alike?
Using Apps with a different interface from the ones you used before makes it’s difficult to understand. Here is where Familiarity in UX comes in. Familiarity in UX doesn’t bring contempt, rather it brings about trust and ease. in UX it means designing for easy usage, When designing for chat interfaces you have to design something similar to WhatsApp, Facebook chat or telegram chat, this will eliminate stress from your users.

Telegram and WhatsApp interface source google.com

It helps users focus on achieving their tasks instead of learning new things. Imagine learning how to use WhatsApp all over again because the UX designer decided to go a little bit crazy and change things, it would be hard right?

Designing and going extra crazy could be appreciated at some point but learn to keep your designs simple and familiar to what people already use in their day to day activities.

Designing an apple or ios interface could be a lot easier if you use their design guideline. Design — Apple Developer and the designing for android or google could be a whole lot easier with a material design system by google https://material.io/design/.

Familiarity helps bring about consistency in design and it helps users reduce the learning curve of the new product.

In conclusion, we can agree that familiarity Increases trust for your website, mobile application or web application. Reduces the time your user takes to use your product



Mecha Samuel

Product designer who loves building amazing and simplified user experience for product growth